
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Delayed Posting

WOW, my apologies for not writing over the course of a week. Hubs and I have been so busy with school and with his job that I knew that I would not be able to sit down and write as these last two weeks of crunch time are upon me. But what is strange is that I set up messages that were supposed to be delivered on each day but they are no where in sight! So my day 7 of being thankful for my family and friends is MIA as is my Happy Black Friday post ;o/

There is a lot to say for the lack of knowledge that I have about blogger apparently :-p So I pray that everyone had a wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving filled with love and joy all around. As it was just the Doc and I this year...again and he had to work and of course I had to make the meal. I opted this year since it was just the two of us to pardon the Turkey and roast the chicken. Needless to say after I ended up just shake and baking it home-style and stuffing, cranberry sauce, with a few extras later. It was an awesome night that both of us could finally relax with.

To update, the search for a Residency for him is still down to three, it was two but he opted for another one after a reference in Ohio. While Mississippi and Florida still have not chosen their candidates we're just holding our breath praying that we get something. It's still kinda hard to imagine that if these don't work out we will be going back to Jordan for 5-6 months until he can apply here again. As I said, not looking forward to culture shock but it is kinda appealing to because in Amman it's like the mini version of New York City but with just 3 million people living there. The markets remind me of Brooklyn and Queens when we lived in NYC and their malls remind me of the Burbs of Maryland, large but small at the same time and NEVER overcrowded. Jordan has it's own charms, I'm just not looking forward to moving there at this time, even if it is for a short period.

With that being said though, I am looking forward to the POSITIVE shot that I'm going to receive(no we're not talking anti-depressants) Classes end on the 14th and I get a mental break until January 5th. Being able to just mentally shut down for a few weeks is such a blessing for me and a much needed break let me tell you! I think I'll spend some time working on this blog, I have a lot of ideas for it and I'm just now starting to like my banner (still needs some work though)

Did I mention that I'll be SO EXCITED when I'm done with this Research class! You know all of my professors that I've ever had have always loved me, I put everything that I have into my work and well, there is a reason why at two universities I sit on a 4.0 GPA. My research profession is well, I won't go there but she's going to cost me my 4.0 GPA this semester lets just say that. BUT as I said the one POSITIVE thing that I can look forward to is that on the 14th, I'M FREE of her class and her. For my FB followers you'll understand where I'm coming from because you've heard me curse the morning every time she drops her grades. But for her I wish her a holiday full of happiness and joy and just hope she doesn't get a lump of coal in her stocking this year :-p

On to more later ;o)


1 comment:

Honey B. said...

Ohh, I feel your pain with school...I'm just fried, can't wait for the holiday break! What kind of degree are you working on?