
Friday, October 8, 2010

So Far a Fantastic Week

Time flies when your having fun.

It doesn't seem like I've been here for a week and yet here I am sipping a iced cold raspberry tea on the back porch of my families home waiting to hear from The Doc that he arrived back to our home safely.

The Doc and I last week said our good-byes and see you soons before I took off with our 3 month old Princess back down south in a very long 9 hour drive. The Princess did awesome but it's taken me almost a week to recoup from seeing friends, visiting different places and reminiscing over memories of the past -- such as the special place where The Doc proposed to me and we enjoyed our first official date-non-date at the botanical gardens

Now before everyone thinks that the Doc just left us for some grand Bahamas trip(I've already been twice this year), he actually wanted to take us to the Bahamas with him but we both agreed that since the Princess was still so young we couldn't imagine letting her on a boat for a week so far from doctors or land in case of an emergency. So to not leave me by myself (He's so thoughtful like that) I drove back home and have been enjoying this beautiful start to fall.

So now I have a few days left with a few more surprises in store from some very special people before I head back home.

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