
Friday, October 8, 2010

Whats So Wrong With Waiting for Sex?

So I took to lunch the other day at one of our favorite Deli's and I was sitting in my circle of old friends and of course your never in a girls circle without the subject of sex coming up. To tell you the truth it's one of the things I wish wouldn't come up but unfortunately it never fails for it to some how pop up drawing everyone in.

Well at lunch that's precisely what happened, but this time it was criticizing through shock and awe on one of the the home girls. who we will call J, who had apparently had crossed that path so many do. Not that it's bad, she had just got married and was extremely happy but the problem that everyone had was that she was 29 and had still been the BIG V----A virgin.

Ok so WHAT is the big deal that they have to criticize her over the fact that she was a virgin on her wedding night and felt that she didn't have to be such a whore to every man in the United States. I mean I felt bad for the her because it was like they were making her feel like it was so uncommon, freakish and not normal.

Not normal? Well 50 years ago people didn't even hardly hold hands in public to not be shamed but now if your 29 and haven't had sex your a FREAK. What happened to the values and morals in this country. I can remember when The Doc and I discussed this before we got married, I had just turned 27 and he was 29 and that BIG question came up and I'm not ashamed to tell you that I was a virgin and that I wanted to wait until I had found that right man to share something that personal and special with and he felt the same way.

Now I can remember the look and reaction on his face like...WAIT YOUR HOW OLD?...No it wasn't that bad :-p But it was a little shock and awe because unfortunately in this country we have adapted that label of being a country that produced an image of no moral values and women and men who sleep with anything that walks before the end of their senior prom night(Not totally the case as we know but there are a few rotten eggs that created that image)

The media doesn't seem to help since you have movies joking about 40 year old virgins, Hollywood showcasing every subject and the media exploiting virginity as it's such a bad thing. But just as J defended of why she personally felt that she should herself into the situation with someone she might not be with in a few days much less years, and why bear the thought of becoming pregnant with an unwanted child before she was ready or contracting some kind of unknown STD I think it made everyone at the table forget because the subject quickly changed to decorating bathrooms and what book everyone was currently reading.

Now I'm not going to preach what's right or whats wrong because I believe to each his own because you are accountable for every decision you make in life. But seriously, what is so wrong with waiting for sex even if you are almost 30 years old.

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