
Friday, December 10, 2010

Give Me Some Credit....

After seeing this, what I said above I'm not serious, it's a joke I promise.

Now it's no lie that I worked very hard to get credit all of my life, I purchases my first new car (had 100 miles on it) at age 25 on my credit, Verizon and T-mobile wanted me to sign up for 5 phones and never did I have a late bill even with a wallet full of credit cards and so much debt I was swimming in the bills. But hey, I paid each one on time and before I got married had nothing but a car payment and my phone bill..Which I took out the other when I cashed my 401K out -- LOL what a funny tax story I'll save for later. I was resourceful and had a fabulous mother who constantly called to make sure I had paid all my bills before spending the extra I had ;o)

But that was over two years ago and since The Doc and I have been married, no credit cards are allowed! I mean I keep one for emergencies that's it and of course I have the T-mobile phones still in my name. But seriously they can get you into major trouble, ruin your life and I don't understand why anyone would want one! Cash just seems so much easier as The Doc and I purchased our cars straight on cash and even his motorcycle was purchased on cash. If we don't have the green on hand we don't need it. <--Good philosophy if I might say so.  So why did I pull open my mail box today and find THIS resting nicely around various cards and what-nots:

That's right it's not just ONE piece of mail asking for a sign-me-up for a credit card but 5 different requests for different cards all address to MOI! Seriously, I don't Christmas shop so it's not like I need these and even if I did, they are EVIL and hide seriously HIGH forms of interest (BAD, BAD, BAD)

I mean if people are hurting financially why turn to damaging something that will last a lifetime? I know people who pay their credit cards with other credit cards. Does that make ANY sense what-so-ever? And in fact I was in Macy's the other day standing in line to ask the woman if they had baby shoes that would fit baby N and the woman purchasing $150 worth of shoes was complaining about how she didn't have any money and how her job had cut hours and yet she's carrying a brand new Vera Bradley bag and handing over the credit card to purchase shoes that hurt just looking at them in the box.

This is the irresponsibility that happens when you see that little plastic card of dreams. But the problem is that those dreams turn into nightmares that you just can't seem to wake up from.

BTW...Does anyone need any paper shavings for their animal friend or compost pile? I just hate wasting all this unnecessary paper :-p

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